Here’s How to Sail Through Blepharoplasty Recovery
- Posted on: Oct 15 2018
Droopy, saggy upper eyelids are a problem for many adults. Often, the issue is nothing more than cosmetic, though that is significant enough to warrant treatment. The laxity of the upper eyelid creates a fatigued appearance or one of anger or unfriendliness. In some cases, the tissue that should remain above the eyelashes falls into the field of vision, making it difficult to see properly. In either situation, upper blepharoplasty can correct the problem with minimal interruption to daily living.
Thousands of people obtain each year. For every person who does, there are more who want to but aren’t quite ready. Often, apprehension relates to fear of the unknown. Recovery is a major aspect of any surgery, and when people aren’t sure what to expect, they may not be able to move forward toward the benefits that could be theirs. Let’s discuss this.
Blepharoplasty Side Effects
Most blepharoplasty procedures result in mild, temporary side effects only. These include:
- Bruising
- Redness
- Swelling
- Light sensitivity
- Excessive tearing
Most of these side effects diminish within 7 to 10 days. At the end of the first week, a follow-up visit will occur in which the doctor can observe healing and remove stitches, if necessary. By this time, most of the side effects that have occurred will have substantially decreased. However, minor swelling and bruising may linger for a few more weeks. This is generally so subtle that no one notices.
Side effects, as well as the risk of complications such as poor healing, can be minimized with specific strategies. The first and possibly most important is to choose a doctor who is extensively trained and familiar with the structures of the eye. Being a board-certified ophthalmologist, Dr. Silverstein is an outstanding choice of surgeon for those interested in blepharoplasty in Chester, NJ.
Strategies for Optimal Healing after Blepharoplasty
Take it Easy
We love the idea of rest, but when it comes right down to it, most of us can’t tolerate sitting still for very long. Rest is vital to tissue recovery after surgery, so we suggest that patients prepare themselves mentally for allowing their body to rest and sleep as much as needed. Rest also extends into the area of physical activity, which should be limited for two weeks after blepharoplasty. No jumping, running, bending, or lifting.
Take Care of the Eyes
Most patients manage comfort with artificial tears that alleviate dryness and irritation after blepharoplasty. However, the benefits of these drops may be offset by too much television, reading, computer usage, smoking, or alcohol consumption. In addition to avoiding these activities, patients are encouraged to wear sunglasses anytime they go outside.
Schedule your blepharoplasty consultation at 908-879-7297.
Posted in: Blepharoplasty