Category Archives: Blepharoplasty

blepharoplasty Chester, NJ

Here’s How to Sail Through Blepharoplasty Recovery

Droopy, saggy upper eyelids are a problem for many adults. Often, the issue is nothing more than cosmetic, though that is significant enough to warrant treatment. The laxity of the upper eyelid creates a fatigued appearance or one of anger or unfriendliness. In some cases, the tissue that should remain above the eyelashes falls into […]

Blepharoplasty Chester, NJ

Managing your Blepharoplasty Recovery

At Silverstein Eye Center, we appreciate the opportunity we have to help our patients see clearly. It is also gratifying to see patients feel better about their appearance through procedures like dermal filler injections and blepharoplasty. Blepharoplasty is the common eyelid surgery that reduces the signs of aging, such as hooded upper eyelids or bags […]

Blepharoplasty Chester, NJ

Is It Time to Consider Blepharoplasty?

Millions of adults have revitalized the appearance of their face by turning to one simple procedure: blepharoplasty. According to recent statistics, individuals who rejuvenate the appearance of their eyes tend to feel a better sense of confidence about their overall aesthetic. Other cosmetic concerns such as fine lines and wrinkles become less troublesome. We believe […]

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